My MacBook Air is currently caught in an endless loop. I am being prompted every 15 minutes to update my OS, then once I try to update, it tells me that I already have the latest version. It is super annoying since the prompt closes my Google Chrome and requires me to click on the Chrome icon to go back to work.
My MacBook was working fine before this update. I called our company IT (PC is company issued) and I was told that I need to go to the office to have my Mac replaced with a Windows laptop since they can not fix this via remote. I have not been to the office since the lockdown (2 years ago).
Good job Apple, you just fixed a non-problem with a big hassle solution.
So yeah, so much for this overpriced piece of garbage. It forces an update, on average about once a month, and not a simple 15 minutes Windows version of updates, but a major 2 hours complete overhaul of the OS -- about 30 gigs worth of data kind of updates. And every now and then, you get this wonderful result, the newest feature of MacBook Air. It is not a bug, it is a feature. It is your own personal reminder (every 15 minutes) that Apple products are overhyped.