Friday, September 7, 2012

Globe iPhone 5 Reservations

Globe teases subscribers with their latest iPhone 5 reservation text blast. If you're like me who's been a Globe subscriber for many years, it's a reassuring feeling that your telco continues to be "the leader in postpaid".

I've already made sure and still working on making sure that I will be getting the iPhone 5 review in the Philippine blog scene first.

In the last iPhone 4s launch I was so excited that I had too much coffee and wasn't able to sleep! Only to find out that the 4s looked exactly the same as the previous model. My wife had the "hehehe" look for the whole week.

A week later I had the hehehe look every time I talked to Siri inside coffee shops. My fingers seem to keep double clicking that button which keeps Siri talking. In the airport, at the supermarket, during client meetings -- this went on for weeks. It was like college all over again. Walking around campus with the prettiest girl in your hand! Some of you can probably relate.


  1. is it true that globe have hidden charges if you get one of their plans? like iphone5?
    i saw a site comparing the prices of mobile phone and other gadgets.. take a look

    1. I am no longer subscribed to Globe. I used their prepaid phone service and then Globe Tattoo. So I can only speak from that past experience of around 5 years as a subscirber. Let me just say that I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I quit Globe precisely because of these "hidden charges" and "stolen load".
