Friday, September 7, 2012

Smart's confusing promos/bundles

I am a prepaid subscriber of Smart for 5 years non-stop. I have not gone back to Globe, nor have I tried any other carrier being over-all satisfied with Smart's cellphone service. Primary reason being that Smart's cellphone signal is by far, as advertised, the widest coverage in the Philippines. I would know, I travel to a lot of barrios as a job requirement.

If there is a fly on this ointment however, is the constant text messages of promos that Smart bombards you with everyday. When I pasa-load to my wife, Smart is like the overly attached cellphone carrier that texts you back something like 3 pages of often unrelated messages, instead of just confirming that the transaction has been completed. And then when you do subscribe to one of these promos, ironically, Smart will not text you a clear mechanics of that promo. They never tire of promoting it. But once you avail of it, you are left to your own devices to try and decipher the often cryptic mechanics of these promo bundles.

One time, I registered for an unlimited text, call, data package bundle. Smart texted back that I was indeed registered, but oh so conveniently forgot that you have to append the cellphone number of the Smart or TNT number you would call with *22-something-then-11-digit-number. Only found out after my load had run out. I called their customer service and told them what had happened. I was told that the mechanics was in one of the text messages. Ok, I said, I often ignore those, I might have missed it, so that would be my fault. But when I went back to check my messages, none of the 4 or so text messages from Smart that I got for that day, said anything about appending the secret magic numbers to avail of the call part of the bundle.

I called back Smart's customer service and related how one of them, just a minute before, had flatly lied to me about the mechanics being in the text message. I explained that I wasn't too angry about losing the load, but being lied to in my face, I had to scream that they are a multi-billion dollar company who lies to filch from their customers.

I do hope that my conversation was recorded, because that is the message that I want delivered to Smart's higher-ups. Stop with all these confusing promos. Text message us the clear mechanics. And for crissakes stop lying to your customers.

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